Do you have a Creator profile ?
If you do not have a creator profile please start from there and then you can apply to open calls.
Here you find information about
Creator subscriptions.
If you signed up already as a Creator
here you find information about setting up your profile.
Open Calls are opportunities for Creators to find a new exhibition or gig.
Hubs can post Open Calls when looking for new artworks to host in their venue.
Other members may post Open Calls when looking for musicians or performers for their events.
Each Open Call has its own requirements so please read the description before applying and if you have any questions or doubts please do not hesitate to reach out to us via email at or on Instagram.
If you are considering applying for an exhibitions here you find some additional info.
There are 2 types of Open Calls for exhibitions.
The Hub posting the Open Call chooses which type to use.
Type 1: Standard Open Call
This form will simply ask you to select your Creator profile and upload pictures of artworks you have available for the pop-up exhibition.
You have the option to select artworks you have listed on
Therefore it is useful to add Artworks to your profile first.
If you want to know more about adding Artworks please
visit this page.
Type 2: Walls Open Call
In this form, the Hub has listed each single wall they have available for the pop-up exhibition.
The form will ask you to add artworks for each wall.
No worries, there are dimensions for each wall specified in the form.
Our suggestion is to add artworks according to the size of the wall.
You can add more artworks for each wall as long as they fit the entire size of the wall.
You have the option to select artworks you have listed on
Therefore it is usefue to add Artworks to your profile first.
If you want to know more about adding Artworks please
visit this page.